3 Smart Ways for Creative Freelancers to Attract New Clients

Discover effective strategies for freelancers to gain visibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

How to win new clients as a freelancer

Winning new clients is one of the most important skills for a successful creative freelancer. Without a steady stream of clients, it’s difficult to earn enough to sustain your freelance career. But don’t worry—attracting new clients doesn’t mean turning into a pushy salesperson.

There are far smarter ways to connect with potential clients.

In this article, you’ll find 3 effective strategies to help you gain new clients and grow your freelance business.

1. Speak at Events or Conferences

Speaking at events or conferences comes with two major benefits:

  • You gain greater visibility in your industry.
  • You enhance your credibility and are perceived as an expert in your field.

You might be wondering how to land speaking engagements when no one knows you yet. To be honest, getting started can be tough. However, some events allow proactive applications for speakers.

Here’s the key: Be creative. Choose a topic you know inside out and add a fresh, unique angle to it. This increases your chances of getting accepted.

Pro Tip: If you’ve spoken at a great event, make sure to showcase it on your website.

If your applications are declined, don’t worry—there’s another excellent approach:

2. Host Your Own Talk on Your Topic

At the start of my career as a creative freelancer, I wanted to draw attention to myself and position myself as an expert. So, I decided to organize my own event called "Smart Online Marketing in 2016."

I found a suitable venue, promoted the event via a Facebook event page, created a landing page for ticket sales, and delivered a 90-minute presentation on the topic.

The event drew over 100 attendees, including two new clients.

Pro Tip: If you host your own event, always charge an entry fee. While the primary goal isn’t to make money, charging a fee makes the event appear more valuable to attendees and ensures they take it seriously.

Among the attendees were also the organizers of the Forward Festival for Design, Creativity, and Communication. They enjoyed my talk and later invited me to speak at their festival. This opportunity allowed me to present at the festival in Vienna, Munich, and Zurich, reaching an even larger audience.

3. Prepare and Share Your Knowledge

In addition to my talk, I created a brochure called "The Smart Online Marketing Handbook."

This 36-page guide provided an introduction to online marketing. I distributed the brochure at my presentation, during the Forward Festival, in coworking spaces, and in conversations with potential clients. Because the brochure offered genuine value, people kept it and remembered me.

I also made the brochure available as a download on my website. However, to access it, people first had to post about it on Facebook or tweet about it. This strategy helped spread the word even further and attracted more attention.

Pro Tip: Always think carefully about who you’re writing for. Your content shouldn’t be aimed at other marketers but at individuals who may not have as much expertise. Present the information in a way that’s easy for them to understand and apply.

These three strategies were incredibly helpful to me at the beginning of my freelance marketing career. They not only helped me draw attention to myself but also positioned me as an expert, making it much easier to acquire new clients.

I hope these tips help you as well and support you in gaining new clients.

Here you’ll find 20 more ideas on how to attract new clients.

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I've met so many wonderful people this year trough Creative Lunch Club. It's been a great way to meet people in different industries and has been way more personal and fun than networking events.

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